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Su Šv. Velykomis!

Bundant gamtai ir gyvenimui prasidedant iš naujo – tegul pavasario gyvybė pripildo ir jūsų dienas per šias Velykas!

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The secret superpower of leadership training and development

Mental health issues affect millions of people, and stress, anxiety, and workplace burnout are becoming increasingly common. Organisations have begun recognising the impact that mental health has ...

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What makes e-learning good?

Crafting a genuinely valuable e-learning experience has become essential in education and professional development. However, not all e-courses are equal in their ability to deliver this value. Can...

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Harnessing the Power of Microlearning: Bite-Sized Training for Maximum Impact

In an age where technology's rapid growth impacts the short-lasting state of attention, the conventional path of learning encounters an array of challenges like never before. Picture a world where...

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Why Organisations Should Implement Adaptive Learning

In today's rapidly developing digital environment, the learning experience is also changing. According to it, organisations realise the importance of providing employees with personalised and effe...

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Keeping Your Workplace Safe: Taking Action Against Violence and Harassment

Organisations that prioritize emotional health in the workplace, cultivate an environment that discourages violence and harassment behaviors and promotes collaboration, empathy, and fairness. Ensu...

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Internetinis seminaras

Darbuotojų emocinė gerovė darbe – kas atsakingas?

2023 birželio 8d. 11 val.

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Leadership vs. Management: the perfect balance to succeed

To succeed in any organisation, leaders, and managers are essential. The roles and responsibilities of both these groups are different. Leaders set the vision, motivate their team, and drive chang...

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